
Уводник Monde Diplomatique о интернету

У јануарском броју Monde Diplomatique у уводнику (и на француском) посвећеном слободи штампе, Ињасио Рамоне подсећа:

The internet is attractive, access to many sites is free, people can express their own opinions in their own way on blogs and it is easy to exchange ideas on everything under the sun. But this increase in freedom must be weighed against some contrary considerations.

a wide range of political opinions, yet the most popular sites are now controlled by the most powerful media groups. This means that, as always in the history of communications, whenever a new medium appears — from newspapers in 18th century to the independent radio stations of the 1970s and the internet today — it begins by extending the boundaries of free speech, only to be taken over and tamed by the money men.

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